Health Inequalities CPG Parliamentary Reception

Health Inequalities CPG Parliamentary Reception Freya recently attended the Health Inequalities Cross Party Group Parliamentary Reception on 27th September. The event was sponsored by Brian Whittle MSP, Co-Convenor of the CPG and took place in the Scottish Parliament Garden Lobby. The secretariat, Voluntary Health Scotland, the national intermediary and network for Scotland’s voluntary health organisations, hosted with…

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Community Solutions

How can getting together with other people for a chat make health services work better? Part 2 Over the past few years Outside the Box has been working with people in the NHS and councils, national bodies, and community groups.  The work was in partnership with  Healthcare Improvement Scotland.  All the ideas and case examples…

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Community Solutions

How can getting together with other people for a chat make health services work better?  There is a lot of attention on the pressures that the NHS and social care services are facing.  Part of the solution comes from partnerships across different parts of the services and especially with the community sector.  That starts when…

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Connecting Equalities, the new beginnings club east lothian

The New Beginnings Club – East Lothian For the last few months, Outside the Box have been working with the members of the New Beginnings Club (nbc) to create a newsletter as part of our Connecting Equalities project.  The members of the NBC wanted to take control of it, so Christine has been showing them…

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From Slogans to Sound Strategy? The 2022 SURF Annual Conference On the 25th August we attended the SURF annual conference – primarily through our work in our Connecting Equalities project, but also to network and connect across the broader landscape of: “Community Wealth Building”- what is it?? CLES defines it as : “An approach to…

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the postnatal gap

Gaps in Provision The postnatal gap We asked people why they joined mums’ groups in our survey and again in interviews. Many of the mums we heard from said they had attended antenatal classes, but then they experienced a ‘gap’ afterwards. Suddenly they felt isolated and alone with the new baby. Although the healthcare services…

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Outside the Box Mums’ Peer Support Research

The Benefits of Peer Support Why mums join groups   Following on from our initial work setting up mums’ peer support groups in the Scottish Borders 11 years ago, we decided it was a good opportunity to follow up with some of those original mums and to talk to others about informal peer support. We…

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outdoor team day

Outside the Box Staff Outdoors Day Last week we had a wonderful outdoor team day in Peeblesshire.  Christine and Ruth led the fantastic day to show us more about the work they have been doing in the Borders.  The team learned how to carry out outdoors risk assessments, how to make hapazomes, how to make…

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Reflecting on my internship at Outside the Box, a blog from Rahmah

Blog from Rahmah Reflecting on my internship at Outside the Box Since I started my internship with Outside the Box, I have been involved with the Moments of Freedom group and communications. With Moments of Freedom group, I have been creating short presentations about a variety of topics that the women wanted to know more…

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Community Solutions

Community Solutions: Other Useful Resources Community Solutions is a collaborative project looking to increase the learning and options around community solutions that give people more access to social care and health care in Scotland. We are working with Healthcare Improvement Scotland to use this learning to improve the ways Health and Social Care Partnerships work…

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