Neighbourhood Networks Evaluation of the Peer Support Network in North Ayrshire May 2023

Neighbourhood Networks – North Ayrshire Evaluation Neighbourhood Networks are a Scottish charity who have supported people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, and mental health issues for over 20 years. “Through local networks of mutual support, we will work with people in their neighbourhoods to deliver the support they require to live independently in their own…

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Contacting elected representatives

Contacting your elected representatives Sometimes it’s hard to know who to go to for help about a problem. Finding out and then contacting your elected representatives can sometimes be even trickier if you haven’t done it before. As part of our Connecting Equalities project we have been speaking to people across Scotland to find out…

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Zero Carbon Moray Community Energy and Climate Fair

Zero Carbon Moray Community Energy and Climate Fair For the second year running, Zero Carbon Moray held a Community Energy and Climate Fair in Elgin Town Hall, Moray. There were 14 stalls including Outside the Box, Moray Council, REAP, UHI, Cairngorms Connect, Huntly Youth Climate Activists and tsiMoray. There were Speakers from Moray Council’s Community…

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Refugee festival scotland event

The much looked forward to Refugee Festival Week is almost upon us! A festival for everyone – the week kicks off on Friday 16th and runs until Sunday 25th June. This year’s theme is Hope and the festival brings people together to meet, share art, culture and ideas, and get to know each other better.…

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Borders Buddies Case Study  

Borders Buddies Case Study   From Anna, who is supported by her Buddy, Jayne: “I wanted a buddy to help me do my shopping and get out a little bit more, as I’d been in the house for too long, not able to get out much by myself. I couldn’t get out much with my daughter…

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Outside the Box Annual Report 2021

Outside the Box Annual Report 2022 Highlights from our year This blog shares our Annual Report and highlights from 2022. Read on to find out what we learned and achieved, working with amazing people and communities across Scotland. Click here to download our 2022 Annual Report. How we worked in 2022 This year we continued…

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Borders Buddies in Hawick and Tweeddale

Borders Buddies in Hawick and Tweeddale  Borders Buddies began life as a post-pandemic pilot in Tweeddale.   The project works by supporting people who have become isolated due to various circumstances to reconnect, with the support of a volunteer Buddy. People are paired with others with common interests.  Thanks to National Lottery Improving Lives funding, we…

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New Beginnings Club (nbc) - East Lothian

New Beginnings Club (nbc)  Nbc is a group for adults with a learning and physical disabilities but unlike most other organisations that support people with physical and learning disabilities, nbc is run entirely by disabled people.  Members are the Trustees, they make the decisions on their priorities and the activities they want to do with…

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Social Hubs in Moray

Social Hubs in Moray  For the last few months, Outside the Box has been helping to support social hubs in Moray.   Three social hubs are being run in Burghead (Monday 12 – 2pm), Spynie (Thursday 10 – 4pm) and Hopeman (Monday 2 – 4pm).   These social hubs are for anyone in the community…

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From Coastal Moray to the Scottish Parliament - Connecting Equalities

From Moray to the Scottish Parliament  Travelling to Edinburgh for Connecting Equalities On Tuesday 28th March, 3 of us from the beautiful coastal village of Burghead on the Moray coast travelled together by train down to Edinburgh to attend OTB’s Parliamentary event at Holyrood.  Outside the Box had invited MSP’s, Councilors, community members and members…

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