Local People Linking
Our Local People Linking project helped to raise awareness of older people’s human rights based on their lived experiences in their communities. We co-delivered human rights sessions with community members across a range of different groups.
We also supported older people from a variety of backgrounds as they developed and shared information that is accessible on activities and services happening in their area.
We helped bring groups together to learn about each other and create new opportunities in the community. This is an archived project. We no longer directly work on this project, but the ideas and learning have continued through our Connecting Equalities project. If you are interested in learning about rights training, or would like to get in touch about any other aspects of this project, please contact ingrid@otbds.org.

What we're doing
As part of the Local People Linking project, we delivered free human rights trainings. The trainings were open to anyone who is interested in learning more about human rights and how they play a part in different aspects of older people’s community participation and wellbeing.
We worked with different groups and community members to hold inclusive conversations and learning about rights – and how to put them into action. This moved online in 2020 – reaching people who might not have been able to travel to in-person trainings, and bringing in community media skills training to help community members share their voices and highlight challenges to accessing human rights.
You can watch Neighourhood Networks members’ video on Human Rights to learn more about the work in practice. Click here to see our Local People Linking training flyer.
The impact it's having so far
- Training community members and practitioners in Dunterlie
- We held a joint human rights event with our Rural Wisdom project in Eaglesham
- We delivered sessions with RAMH and the Fairweather group in Barrhead
- We supported each group to develop their own rights charter so they can report on the things that are important to them in their communities and learn from each other
- We held sessions in the Borders with Borders Care Voice and Health in Mind.
- And online sessions with Neighbourhood Networks groups – supporting them to create a Human Rights charter and keep the conversation going.
To see what people learned, take a look at this Human Rights in our Communities Resource which shares the highlights.