We’re Here Too!
There are more and more opportunities for people living in Scotland to have their say and contribute their ideas on how their communities should work today and develop in the future. But some older people find it hard to be heard. They have something to contribute, but are not able to participate in the same ways as other people, or find that when they do contribute other people are not there to listen.
We’re Here Too is about reminding everyone that older people who live in care homes, or live with dementia or other health problems or who do not get out much, are also part of our communities – we are here too.
This project is now archived, but the ideas and learning have continued through our work on Rural Wisdom, Linking Local and other collaborations with communities.

What we're doing
We organised a series of We’re Here Too events to bring together people who want to see more opportunities for all older people to be able to participate in the issues that interest them. These included events on building stronger links between people living in care homes and other supported settings and people in their local places, and what works for older people in different communities.
The impact it's having so far
We held events from 2014-2016, in different places across Scotland. Over 500 people have taken part. People come to these sessions to share what they are doing to create more opportunities for people to have their say, be part of their communities and have a good life. They met other people who care about these matters, swapped ideas and encouraged each other to find solutions to the practical barriers that can get in the way.
We shared learning and reports based on what we were hearing from older people about co-production and making community opportunities work.