Family Friendly Workplaces

An estimated 70% of mothers and 90% of fathers in Scotland are in paid employment. However, understanding of how to support employees through pregnancy, adoption, parenthood and caring is low - affecting businesses and families alike.

We know that if family-friendly working practices are ignored, gender inequality widens, discrimination is more likely, and skilled employees leave the workplace. So, we’ve been working since 2018 to learn from working families’ experiences, share good practice, and support employers to make simple changes.

Support to create a Family Friendly Workplace

To ensure success, staff wellbeing and retention, organisations need to understand women's, parents' and carers' experiences at work. The best way to implement Family Friendly Workplace practices is through working together with your team. Outside the Box can work with your management and staff teams to conduct a Family Friendly consultation, provide concrete next steps for implementation, and support your journey.

"Working with Outside the Box has been a positive experience. The staff teams enjoyed the workshop sessions and we got some simple but effective ideas to enhance our practices to support working parents particularly with babies and young children."

— Rachel Chambers | Women’s Forum Co-Chair Cornwall Council

Understanding the issue

“It's about ensuring you have the right conversations with people, being honest that you’re not always going to get it right but being open enough to shape things differently.”

— Stellar Quines

The benefits of being a Family Friendly employer

Why your business should prioritise getting it right for employees starting and raising a family.

“We promote flexible recruitment to employers and raise awareness that they are potentially missing out on valuable skillsets if they should ignore this.”

— Family Friendly Working Scotland

Good practice success stories

Use these examples to inspire practical solutions for your context.

Understanding the basics

Learn more about Family Friendly Workplace support

Our Family Friendly Workplaces work developed from our 2018-2020 research with workplaces and women who were returning to work, and we have since connected it with our development support practice and the wider policy context. We take an inclusive, whole-family approach, supporting employers to think about how different experiences and protected characteristics connect. There's no 'typical' family, so it's important to create practices which work for everyone by listening, expecting diversity, and being flexible.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss tailored support, whatever your organisation's size, budget and requirements.

Learn more about Family Friendly Workplace support