Climate Chat – A new project
Climate Chat - A new project We are excited to announce that we have received funding from the Scottish Government's Climate Engagement Fund for a new project, Climate Chat. The ...
LINKS Eyemouth Project Worker
LINKS Eyemouth Project Worker We are recruiting a project worker for our LINKS Eyemouth project. We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic about community activity, with local links and ...
Queer Families Storytelling
Queer Families Storytelling Stories have the power to shape the world and our imaginations. For the Queer Families community group, stories have always felt important. From the first meet-ups in ...
LINKS Multiply funding
LINKS Multiply funding success We are very pleased to announce that Outside the Box has been successful with Multiply funding to support the delivery of adult cooking classes through our ...
Women’s well-being in North Ayrshire
Moments of Freedom visits Scots Syrian Roses We had a wonderful day yesterday in North Ayrshire with the New Scots women of Scots Syrian Roses. The women of Moments of ...
Befriending Week: Borders Buddies Case Study
Borders Buddies: H and N Case study Borders Buddies supports people to return to doing things they enjoyed before but which, either due to the pandemic, ill health or other ...