
Getting inter-generational with Edzell’s school kids!

Last Friday I had the pleasure of spending the morning with Edzell’s primary seven class where we were discussing age-friendly communities and beginning to plan our inter-generational film project. First ...

Free human rights taster sessions – we can come to you

Older people's rights are human rights. But there is a difference between knowing this and actually putting this into action. That's why we are running free training sessions in East ...

Fire Starter Festival

Last week saw the launch of 2018's Fire Starter Festival, a two week event celebrating all the innovative ways we can transform our communities, organisations and ourselves. We went along ...

A Healthier Future – Action, ambitions on diet, activity and healthy weight – What about Older People?

Consultation of the Scottish Government’s Healthier Future document closes on the 31st January 2018. The document proposes a range of actions to improve diet and weight in Scotland including restrictions ...

How can the Scottish Government best tackle social isolation and loneliness?

Last week the Minister for Social Security, Jeane Freeman, launched the Scottish Government's draft strategy to tackle social isolation and loneliness. You can access the consultation document here. The document is a ...

How can we help the 1.3 million older people in the UK who are suffering from hunger?

Today on BBC Breakfast there was a feature on a new parliamentary report showing that 1.3 million older people suffer from hunger in the UK. Although these figures are shocking, ...