
Brechin ‘Open Doors Fortnight’ – Community Groups

When the Rural Wisdom project carried out a survey and ran an event earlier this year, we found that people in Brechin didn’t know where to go to access information ...

The Women’s Wellbeing Workshops are Returning!

Carers don't always get time for themselves. From the carers we have spoken with, we know that finding time to treat yourself or just having some time to catch up ...

Friendship Friday Group Starting Soon!

This Friday, the fortnightly Friendship Friday group will start in Eyemouth, East Berwickshire. And we thought it was a nice excuse to look back at how it came to be. ...

Greenlaw Summer Fun for Families

We were recently involved in a partnership with Community Learning and Development, Greenlaw Primary SchooL, Gr8 (Greenlaw Youth Club) and Connect (Berwickshire Youth Project) to develop and deliver fun family ...

Learning about Falkirk’s history with Meals with Friends

When you have lived somewhere for a while you can easily forget about what makes your home town special. Learning about the history of where you live, or meeting new ...

Staying well in the Borders

This week the Borders Outside the Box Team were in Coldstream with Berwickshire Housing Association’s Befriend project discussing with residents what keeps them well and happy and if there were ...