Connecting Equalities

We are working with diverse groups of older people and their communities, supporting them to connect their everyday experiences with rights and equalities. We help them connect with decision-makers and media, to ensure their contributions are part of shaping what matters to them for a good life.

Connecting equalities takes an intersectional approach to our work with older people and the wider community. The project explores how we can work collectively to challenge multiple inequalities.

connecting equalities logo with overlapping squares

What we're doing

Working across 9 different geographical areas over 3 years:

– We are currently working in the Borders with the New Beginnings club with adults with complex needs set up a local community newsletter. We’re hosting digital training sessions for Canva and Biteable so the group can raise awareness and share their stories across wider networks.

– In Caddonfoot, we are supporting the New Age Curlers continue their activities by connecting them with other local groups. These activities provide a source of wellbeing and support to participants.

– We were the secretariat for the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Older people Age & Ageing until March 2024. In addition, we are working with other members to support the development of a Cross Party Group for dementia.

– Older People’s Strategic Action Forum – continue to attend regular meetings with the Minister to feed in what we are hearing from older people, into policy and strategy including the SG cost of living measures & work to advance the wellbeing and rights of older people.

The impact it's having so far

To date we’ve created some new resources to support people’s access to their democratic rights. These easy read guides help to explain Scottish politics and democracy and can be found below to print off and share.

The cost of living crisis is having a growing impact on the quality of people’s lives. In response we have been hosting sessions on energy – these have been mostly taking place in rural locations such as Moray. The session gave people the chance to connect socially and has led to new networks to look at collective action for creating local sustainable energy solutions.

We have also hosted sessions in the Borders on benefits to raise awareness of the different options available to people and to break down some of the stigma associated with applying for them. People told us that the sessions helped them understand other benefits they are entitled to, to help them with cost of living.



LGBT and getting older in Scotland today

LGBT and getting older in Scotland today

View resource

Winter and Cost of Living Support Booklet

View resource

Contacting your elected representatives

Contacting your elected representatives

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How to make a complaint guide

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North Ayrshire Good Life Event Report

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PANEL Principles

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UK General Elections: useful words to know

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Voter ID in UK Elections

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Voter ID and the UK General Election

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What’s important to you? – The UK General Election

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Voting at the General Election – a guide

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Having a say in politics. Connecting Equalities

Having a say in politics: Tips from the Connecting Equalities project

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Learning about rights sessions

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How to have your say in Scottish policy

Having your Say in Consultations video

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Making your group friendly for older LGBT people

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