Kindness in Eaglesham and Waterfoot
Community Connections is an Outside The Box project based in Eaglesham and Brechin. It works towards improving social connections, information and communication for people living in and around these areas.
Eaglesham and Waterfoot have stepped up to the plate in response to the blight of Covid-19 in our communities. Residents swiftly formed the Eaglesham & Waterfoot Self-Isolation Helping Hands Support Group ensuring every street in the neighbourhood was covered by a willing volunteer keen to ensure everyone housebound due to the virus or otherwise had access to food. Three weeks after it was set up, their Facebook page has 498 members!
Other things I’ve heard of and seen have been the local Guides delivering tablet and Eaglesham Nursery children delivering home-made cards to residents in Montgomerie Court to brighten up their day.
Fairy trails, happy birthdays and connecting with Facebook
Some kind people painted rocks and made a delightful Fairy Trail for other families to search for a discover.
The village have organised a competition for the “best dressed” window for Easter coming along with prizes donated by 10 local businesses!
Comments on my Facebook page have included – “My lovely neighbours e-mail and keep in touch mostly offering the services of their adult children. So gratifying to know this lifeline is on tap. I’m fit and well but on the wrong side of 70 so adhering to Government advice”. “Everyone is looking after the people who need the help the most”.
The local butchers and gift shop are managing to continue by offering a delivery service to people.
And finally for now, one chap was going to be celebrating his 96th birthday which was picked up by an eagle eyed neighbour on Facebook. They alerted other neighbours who all sneaked round and decorated his front garden with banners and balloons. They called him out and sang him Happy Birthday from a safe distance! He was overwhelmed with their thoughtfulness, as am I!
Hats off to the milk of human kindness!