What started with a thoughtful idea at Eaglesham Bowling Club, came to fruition on Christmas Day bringing together people who may have been spending Christmas on their own.
Eaglesham Bowling Club with the help of the Chapterhouse Café, Eaglesham Fair Committee and other local people pulled off an extremely successful first Christmas Lunch at the Bowling Club.
What a beautiful sunny day it was for it too! Twenty five locals attended including a group of neighbours, sisters, father and son, introducing them to other local people in a fun-filled afternoon at the Bowling Club.
Liz Highet from Community Connections “opened” proceedings, which was quickly followed by a delicious festive Christmas meal, served by club members and local people. Christmas crackers, silly paper hats and corny jokes were in abundance! People were then invited to relax in the “cosy chairs”, snuggle in and listen to swing singer Scott Dunbar croon his way through some old favourites. People enjoyed chatting and dancing the afternoon away before lifts were arranged to get people back home again.
One of the guests had had an upsetting visit to his wife in a care home in the morning as she wasn’t well. By the time tea-time arrived, he had cheered up no end and had enjoyed connecting with others, and was first up on the dance floor encouraging others to join him.
Funds raised by the Bowling Club on and around the day have been donated to other local organisations – The Regeneration of Eaglesham’s Environment (TREE), Age Concern, Eaglesham Fare Committee, Eaglesham Church Youth Fund, the local Rainbows, Scouts and BBs.
The fact that people were willing to take a risk, give up time at Christmas and work together as one meant Christmas Day might not have felt quite as lonely as it normally might for 25 Eaglesham residents.