Our two Borders projects recently delivered a Cook Out session at Linkim Court, sheltered housing complex in Eyemouth. When we spoke to residents they told us that Sundays in particular, feel long and can be lonely. We worked alongside volunteers from Healthy Living Network and a graduate from the Retweed project to offer a BBQ in the lovely garden space which local charity, Abundant Borders have created. We cooked and had conversations with residents, carers and some of the rehab exercise group who meet there. BHA offered funding to help us buy the food and we were very grateful to Abundant Borders for coming along and for donating some of their produce.
The food and the company went down well and the Eyemouth haar stayed away too.
“Saturday and Sunday are very long days sitting in front of the telly -I’d like to see more of this happening”
“Lemon inspired feta was unusual and delicious”
Have a look at our website for more information on Happiness Habits and Food Buddies. You can also follow what we are up to by taking a look at our Borders Food Buddies Facebook page.