This year has seen the development of an exciting new gardening project in the Scottish Borders. Following on from a pilot project last year with Peebles CAN community garden/Green Gardens Day Centre, we introduced some pupils from Peebles schools to older people using the Day Centre. We had fun socialising, drinking tea and eating snacks, along with activities such as singsongs/percussion instruments, card games and giant Connect 4!

In the garden the boys got on with some real work every week, with a focus on making areas of the garden dementia friendly. We got some ideas on a learning exchange visit to a dementia-friendly garden in Dumbarton, and as well as power-hosing and weeding the slabbed area to make it easier to walk on, we are planning some raised beds with sensory plants.


Our young helpers were very proud to receive Garden Buddies certificates as a record of their achievements before the end of term. Hopefully we will get together later in the year to enjoy cooking and eating some of our harvested produce.

Here is what one of our older people said:

‘I love it when the young ones come to the centre – it makes me feel young again!’

And the younger folk:

‘The best bit is when we play games and have a cup of tea – and biscuits!’

For more information about Food Buddies visit our website