
Be Good Be Social: Learning audio/video in Angus

As part of our Rural Wisdom project, we teamed up with our friends at Be Good Be Social to deliver a workshop teaching Angus charities how to use audio and ...

Rural Wisdom – What we are hearing

Rural Wisdom is our partnership project which is working to make rural areas work better for older people. We have been talking to people in the Rural Wisdom local areas ...

How can Dads get more confident to give advice?

I attended the ‘Ask Dad’ project Launch at the end of June as part of our work in our Families project. ‘Ask Dad’ is a project by Fast Forward focused ...

What did older people tell us they wanted more of in their community?

In May we helped run a series of intergenerational festivals where older and younger people could join together to get to know one another and share their skills. The events ...

Small budgets for people with criminal justice backgrounds 

At the Moving Forward learning event, we talked about the pilot project we are working on.   It’s about offering small flexible budgets for individuals to help them achieve their goals ...

LGBT and lonely: finding people like you

We have been following BBC Radio Scotland’s week of conversations around ‘Isolation and Loneliness’, and have been thinking about how being part of a minority group can sometimes mean you feel ...