
Community members in front of a bus

Travel with Confidence in the Scottish Borders

Travel with Confidence in Borders Transport at the heart of rural wellbeing Rural Wisdom is a project working in both Wales and Scotland with older people in rural communities. Whenever ...
Celebrating mum-friendly workplaces- blog on our upcoming Mums' workplace rights and wellbeing event

Celebrating Mum-Friendly Workplaces

Celebrating Mum-Friendly Workplaces Mums Returning to Work celebration event Our Mums Returning to Work project is holding a celebration event on the 25th Nov 1-3pm to celebrate the work of ...
Co-production in Scotland and Wales - ideas and questions for #CoProWeekScot

Co-production in Scotland & Wales: ideas and questions

Co-production ideas and questions from Scotland & Wales Co-production learning across Scotland and Wales As part of Co-production Week, I joined the co-production learning event hosted in partnership by the ...
Making space for self-care - tips and ideas for wellbeing at work

Making space for self-care and wellbeing at work

Making space for self-care and wellbeing at work  Caring workplaces and the challenges of 2020 We've been thinking a lot about workplace wellbeing this year! We adapted quickly when the ...
New team member in Newtown St Boswell

A Busy Start for Fiona

It has been a busy first month for our newest member of the team Fiona. Fiona is a member of the South East team working in her own village of ...
Celebrating our amazing Trustees -written on a photo of our AGM

The value of Trustees

The value of Trustees: different insights and authentic care Including Trustees and making an impact Our Outside The Box board members support us in lots of different ways. This year ...