
How to share your voice through the National Care Service consultation

How to have your say on social care: the Scottish Government National Care Service consultation explained

Everyone having their say on the future of social care in Scotland Join the conversation on Social Care and a National Care Service for Scotland The Scottish Government is consulting ...
Connections from Lewis to Clydebank; with a decorative river and a beach

Connections from Clydebank to Lewis

Moments of Freedom: Connections from Clydebank to Lewis Moments of Freedom is a project led by New Scot women in Clydebank, in partnership with Outside the Box and West Dunbartonshire Council. ...
Can you help us develop co-shadowing? With Outside the Box and SENScot's logos

Can you help us develop Co-Shadowing?

Co-shadowing and mutual learning Lots of people use shadowing, when someone is taking on a new role and wants to learn from someone who has more experience.  It happens in ...
Power in our Communities - Catalyst for Change. Summary report

Community Solutions: the conversation so far

Community Solutions: the conversation so far The Power in Our Communities events We are excited to share our summary from ‘The Power in our Communities: Catalysts for Change‘, the events ...

Support Choices flies the nest to be a local advice charity!

Support Choices flies the nest We have some very exciting news to share! We're celebrating Support Choices becoming an independent advice charity, empowering people in Perth and Kinross with information. Outside ...

Talking about Queer birth experiences

Talking about Queer Birth Experiences About the 'Talking about Queer Birth' event The experience of giving birth as a Queer person can be varied, joyous and challenging. We need to ...