Young Persons' (under 2) Free bus travel scheme

Young Persons’ (Under 22s) Free Bus Travel Scheme What is it? The Free Bus Travel Scheme will allow young people under the age of 22 to travel for free on buses across Scotland. This starts from 31 January 2022. Who is this for? Around 930,000 young people in Scotland will benefit from this! According to…

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5 videos highlighting Rural Wisdom's recent projects!

What we’ve been up to: 5 videos highlighting Rural Wisdom recent projects! Over the last few months, we’ve been sharing videos on the Outside the Box Youtube channel. Click here to visit our Youtube channel or scroll down to watch them right here and learn more about what we’ve been up to. Community Transport Transport…

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Reflecting on our LGBTQ+ fertility support event

Queer Families Event LGBTQ+ Fertility Support workshop On the evening of the 2nd December, our Queer Families group gathered on Zoom for a chat about navigating fertility systems as an LGBTQ+ person. The event was organised by Queer Families and Deva, (she/her) an intersectional doula who runs Braw Birth, which supports people and families in…

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Rural Wisdom Scotland evaluation 2021 - learning from the Rural Wisdom communities in Scotland

Rural Wisdom Scotland evaluation 2021 Download the Rural Wisdom Scotland evaluation 2021 You can read and download the Rural Wisdom Scotland evaluation 2021 here. Find all the Rural Wisdom resources on NDTi’s website. What Rural Wisdom’s about Rural Wisdom is about improving the lives of older people living in rural communities by listening and helping…

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Getting back! Border Buddies Blog. There's no 'one size fits all' it's all about how you feel.

Borders Buddies – Getting Back! The Purpose of Borders Buddies The Borders Buddies project in Tweeddale supports people in their journey of returning to what they used to do before the pandemic. There is no ‘one size fits all’ method for this; each case is taken on an individual basis. Borders Buddies knows that everyone…

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A big welcome for Central Wellbeing SCIO! A sunny lake and trees

Big welcome for Central Wellbeing SCIO! Outside the Box has been working in Falkirk for almost 7 years now, involved in a variety of projects, big and small. One of the first was the Moving Assistance Project which finished in March 2016. The idea for the project came from older people who said they would…

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Supporting people living with dementia to be part of their community People living with dementia want to be involved, supported, and included in every space in their communities. We’ve been involved in supporting people living with dementia to build local access to gardening, food, and community opportunities for many years. Our Food Buddies project developed peer support for people…

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How small local groups help create dementia-inclusive communities. Photo of a community garden

How community groups help create a Dementia-inclusive society This blog shares some things we’re hearing from small community groups, people living with dementia and unpaid carers, about what’s working and what they need. For many years we’ve been supporting projects relating to life with dementia, rural connections, and creating opportunities for people to be involved…

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A fire in my belly! The image shows the Borders Buddies logo, and a photo of a woman with a pink face mask, using a mobility scooter, in a supermarket bread aisle.

‘A Fire in my Belly!’  Lockdown and the feeling of not being able to access community “My Lockdown story is not like many others. At the start of the pandemic, I was hospitalised with sudden severe ill health which left me unable to walk properly afterwards. I came home from hospital demoralised and scared, lacking…

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Communities make Human Rights come to life. New Local People Linking resources for learning and starting conversations about Human Rights in our communities.

Local People Linking: learning about Human Rights What is Local People Linking? Local People Linking is a project creating spaces for older people to come together to learn about their human rights in an everyday context, to shape their local communities and the services in them, so they can exercise their rights for a better…

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