Happiness Habits staff and a team of enthusiastic volunteers have now delivered the first two sessions from our programme of activities. The idea came about after having conversations with residents at our summer BBQ and follow up discussions. The sessions are offered fortnightly alternating between Saturday and Sunday.
Residents told us that although there was often lots happening during the week
-at the weekend they could feel quite isolated. We asked them what might help address this and they suggested a list of activities they would be interested in taking part in. We developed a programme as a result.
For the first session residents were asked to bring along something that was important to them and to tell the group why.
One person brought along a Paddington Bear -a gift from a pupil when she was a swimming teacher-and is a truly valued gift.
We also were treated to a photo of one of the participant’s beloved mum.
Others shared stories of their youth and some of the mischief they got up to!
Our second session was based on Desert Island Discs -9 people joined in. Everyone chose a song/piece of music and told the group about their choice. This session proved very popular with everyone. Dougie, our volunteer, had downloaded song choices onto his I pad. We heard from Debussy, Johnny Cash, Trex, Buddy Holliday and the Corries to name a few.
It was hailed as a real success-the laughter, fun, singing and even some hand-jiving and dancing said it all!