Do you find Christmas and New Year difficult? Many people do; everyone has less money, you feel forced to spend time with friends or relatives who you find hard to be around and there is a lot of pressure on you to have fun. If you have a mental health problem then this can be even more difficult.
At the moment we are working on our Angus McFlourish project looking at ways of reducing social isolation and loneliness. We are working with people from Angus Voice, an advocacy group for people with mental health difficulties. We understand that Christmas and New Year can be an especially challenging time so, as part of the project, we have put together a booklet on the group’s hints and tips for coping.
Please click here to see the resource
We hope you find these tips useful and we think they can help lots of people, even if you don’t have difficulties with your mental health.
Thank you to everyone at Angus Voice and Grampian Opportunities for your helpful ideas and suggestions!