On Friday 18 January 2019, the Rural Wisdom project held a very successful Connecting the Dots event in Brechin City Hall to plan what follows on from the project in North Angus.
The event was well attended by Angus Council, namely the Brechin Communities team representatives, Graham and Sandra as well as a variety of community group such as:
- Brechin Healthcare Group
- The Acorn Club
- The Dalhousie Centre
- Trading Standards
- Forfar Action Network
- Kirrie Connections
- Brechin Singing Group
- The Salvation Army
- Brechin Community Singing Group
- Brechin Men’s Shed
- U3A
Getting everyone together gave way for some good ideas about how groups in the community could link in with each other and how groups could be promoted in the area.
The discussions identified that whilst there is lots going on in the area, group organisers wanted to bring more people together and to work more closely on shared agendas for the benefit of the community.
As a result of the event, we are now undertaking funding applications for spin-off projects and following up on feedback from the event in other ways.
Rural Wisdom is a project to develop rural communities that are older people friendly. The project started in early 2017, since then we have been busy working with communities in Scotland and Wales to support community action by older people.