Queer Families
Queer Families started in 2018 to address a gap in family peer-support and connection for LGBTQ families in Glasgow. The group creates a space for informal community, wellbeing, and addressing the barriers which families experience.
Upcoming online peer support event, for all LGBTQI+ people including families: LGBTQ+ peer support by Outside the Box Development Support | Eventbrite
Upcoming Queer Families family group meet-ups in Glasgow:
We meet every month from 10.30am – 12.30, at Rumpus Room in Govanhill. Visit our Instagram @queerfamsglasgow for more information about upcoming events.

What we're doing
The group provides a safe, inclusive space for LGBTQ families to meet one another and share experiences.
We meet monthly for an informal session with arts and crafts, activities, and visits from local LGBTQ artists. We moved the group online during the pandemic, and are now back meeting in person in Govanhill, Glasgow. We work to make the meet-ups accessible and welcoming, and lower the risk of covid. Read our blog about access and covid-safety at Queer Families meet-ups to learn more.
Alongside the group and other LGBTQ families across the UK, we developed two resources. These resources aim to provide support and advice for LGBTQ families or those looking to start families, as well as providing support for services to become more welcoming and inclusive for LGBTQ families.
You can follow us on Instagram at @queerfamsglasgow to stay up to date and find out about our meet ups.
The impact it's having so far
We heard from some LGBTQ parents that they didn’t feel included in typical ‘mums and toddlers’ groups, and needed more family-friendly LGBTQ community events. The families involved have shaped the Queer Families group to be an inclusive alternative!
The resources have reached thousands of people across Scotland, sharing the group’s lived experience and knowledge on creating LGBTQ family-friendly spaces and services.
We are pleased to announce that we have received an award from The National Lottery Community Fund, made possible by National Lottery players, to continue and expand the Queer Families group’s work and impact in Scotland. Over the next 2 years we’ll be increasing the number of in-person meet-ups, and helping set up groups in several areas outside of Glasgow, as well as creating new resources for families and community members.