Last year we worked with a small group of women, who had experience of loved ones in prison. They talked about the things they wanted to achieve and the activities and supports that helped them and their families.

The women talked about how hard they found putting themselves first and that they felt guilty when they did. And how difficult it was, having, and finding time and, space for themselves. A time when they weren’t looking after or thinking about the needs of other people.

“Running on empty is how I feel – rushing from one place to another and no time for me ”

We know that having a loved one in prison is a major change for families, and the circumstances may be difficult, and traumatic. But meeting regularly with other families in similar circumstances can create some time and space to recharge batteries, make new friends and try out some new activities.

In June, July and August we are running a few taster sessions for families with lived experience of loved ones in prison. The sessions will be very informal based around tea and a chat and short practical fun activity – such as playing indoor curling or making clay pinch pots. We are testing out whether there is demand and interest for informal peer support style group for families to share ideas and new experiences, and to support each other with the aim of reducing isolation and stigma by families creating their own supportive networks.

Dates of the sessions are 11- 1pm on Wednesday 12th June, 3rd July, 17th July , 31st July, 14th August and 28th August.

All the sessions will be held at St Matthew’s, 200 Balmore Road, Possilpark, G22 6LJ

If you would like more information about the taster session please email