Outside the Box Annual Report 2022

Highlights from our year

This blog shares our Annual Report and highlights from 2022. Read on to find out what we learned and achieved, working with amazing people and communities across Scotland.

Click here to download our 2022 Annual Report.

How we worked in 2022

This year we continued working with groups and communities wanting to connect, learn, plan and develop new ways of working and supporting each other. From the pandemic, to the cost of living, to how different policies affect peoples’ lives, we supported communities to lead on addressing challenges, using their strengths and knowledge to create lasting change.

We worked online and off, from cities to forests, and from the Scottish Borders to the North coastline. As well as letting us understand people’s experiences in communities across Scotland, we were able to help projects connect and learn from each other, supporting their work turning ideas into action.

What we did

This year we…

  • Worked together with more than 100 community groups and organisations creating sustainable community solutions.
  • Supported over 1500 people, in 40 local areas across Scotland to be more involved and shape their communities. 7500 more people were indirectly impacted, like community group members and people benefiting from new initiatives.
  • Created and helped communities create over 20 resources, and other creative media like film and poetry.
  • Contributed to national policy conversations and responded to national and local consultations feeding in the issues raised by people we work alongside.

Photo collage of people outdoors and in community centres

The difference it made

We worked in collaboration with lots of people this year, helping create impact at different levels, from communities to systems. Here are a few quotes about the difference the work made to people we worked with.

“I feel much more connected thanks to LINKS. When I came here I didn’t know anyone.” – LINKS Eyemouth community member

“We just lost track of time… I feel so much better for having spent time in the outdoors.” – Participant in an outdoor learning workshop

“My highlight this year was the strength of our group – there are now 15 of us, and we are all committed to our work together.” – Member of Moments of Freedom‘s community leaders group

Read our 2022 Annual Report to find out more.

Thank you to all our funders and partners, to all the third sector and community organisations that we work with, and to all the community members who shared their time, knowledge and good ideas!