Wednesday 22 February
11.30 – 12.30
The Gathering
SECC Glasgow
We are hosting a workshop at The Gathering on the 22nd of February and we would love you to come.
Places are filling up quickly to be sure to book your place by clicking here.
Micro enterprises are small-scale activities run by less than five people. They tend to fill the gaps in other provision and do things differently from existing or traditional services. They are often informal, local and responsive. They work in both urban and rural areas. They can be a charity, social enterprise, a community group or a small business.
Self-directed support is opening up opportunities for micro enterprises as part of social care and support, when people who need support want to do something themselves or get more flexible support. Examples include
- Peer support groups
- Very local services supporting a few people
- Tailored support for people in equalities groups
- Alternatives to employment for people who need support.
A micro enterprise approach is also part of other social innovations within bigger organisations, when new responses are delivered by small teams working in more independent ways.
The aim of the workshop is to explore some of the many different ways in which a micro enterprise approach can work as part of social innovation.
- What are the impacts for people’s lives and their communities?
- How does it contribute local solutions?
To book your place click here.