Garden Buddies is a project which helps people of all ages and abilities to enjoy being in gardens.
Sometimes being in the garden is about planting and digging, sometimes it is about spending time chatting and drinking tea in beautiful natural surroundings. Just because a person is getting older or less able, this does not mean they have to stop doing these things. Even if a person has memory issues, they can enjoy being in a green space and perhaps rekindle memories through the sights and smells of a garden.
Garden Buddies have been speaking to people in different gardens around the country, getting some ideas and tips for making the most of gardens for everyone, no matter their age or ability.
“The garden is just an extension of my house – on a nice day I take my knitting outside.”
Just before the pandemic we launched a Crowdfunding campaign to raise money to produce the tips people had shared with us. Although this was a difficult time for many people were were delighted to raise enough money to produce 2 tips booklets.
Gardening Tips for Older People – Individuals a set of Tips which shares people’s suggestions and experiences, to help and encourage more older people keep on gardening.
Gardening Tips for Older People – Groups a set of Tips for groups, community gardens and professionals to help them support older people they know and work with continue to enjoy gardening.
These tips were developed by older people in early 2020 just as COVID-19 restrictions happened. A lot of what is here will still apply, but you may need to take account of current arrangements.
For more information about Garden Buddies or to receive a printed copy of the booklets contact