Community Solutions for social care – What we are planning for autumn 2020
Last year Outside the Box and a team at the Innovation Hub at Health Improvement Scotland worked with people in rural communities, to look at models of community-led support and how these can improve the range of supports, especially for people living in rural areas which are not covered well by the main services – and sometimes not covered at all. We were just at point of sharing what we learned and gently expanding it when Covid hit – so now we are taking a new approach and sharing what we are doing more widely.
For Outside the Box, it links to work we are doing with rural communities and support for community groups as they respond to Covid. For iHub, this is part of their work on Community-led care.
Our first session was an on-line discussion, with 165 people from across the public sector, voluntary organisations and community groups taking part. You can read the summary report here.
Over the next 6 months or so we are doing more to encourage more local discussions. iHub are providing a short series of wider events and working with staff in Health and Social Care Partnerships.
Outside the Box is working with people in communities:
· Bringing together people from different sectors and experiences in a local place
· Partnership events with other organisations
· Sessions on topics, such as the contribution of peer support groups.
There will be updates on our website and please get in touch if you are interested in having one of these workshops.
Current plans and ideas include:
· Partnership session with Social Enterprise Network – focusing on rural aspects, or on health and wellbeing aspects, or both?
· Partnership session with some national networks of older people
· Sessions with Equalities networks
· Discussions for members of Community Land Scotland and other networks that bring together community-led groups
· Sessions in local areas that bring together people who get support and families, community groups, HSCP staff, voluntary and other care providers
· Sessions that bring together people from neighbouring Council areas, to share ideas and ways to approach shared problems
Get in touch!
We are looking forward to working with you and to hearing about the conversations that happen in your communities.
Contact: Anne Connor