Climate conversations

Last month our west team paid a visit to the AMINA women’s friendship group to facilitate a climate workshop. We chatted to the group about the small things individuals can do to make their lives eco-friendlier. The group shared the things they were doing already that they didn’t frame in a climate lens like using air-fryers, using glass at their group sessions instead of paper cups, car sharing and all the fruit and vegetables they are growing in their gardens. We also discussed the right to a healthy environment and the Scottish Human Rights Bill.  

The women worked individually and together to make climate posters using recycled and leftover materials. These will be displayed in the building to show what climate conscious decisions can be made and how important it is to look after our environment.  


In Fife we have been talking with people who participate in the Dementia Friendly Meeting Centres. Older people are often excluded from climate change conversations but are directly affected by changes in our climate, especially storms, flooding and heatwaves.  We spent time thinking and talking about the everyday things older people do now to help climate change, the things they used to do to save costs and reduce waste and the ways they want to be involved in the future.