Our North Angus Rural Wisdom Development Worker, Shona, was at the “Your Budget, Your Choice” event at Brechin City Hall on Saturday 21st October. This was a lively event which resulted in 380 visitors voting for their preferred community activity who all submitted funding applications to the pot of £20K.

Whilst our application for ‘Older People Taster Sessions’ (offering samples of a range of different activities for older people to try over the winter months) was unsuccessful, we did meet many new contacts who were keen to learn more about our work of Rural Wisdom in the Brechin area. We also made new contacts with other community groups and bagged a few invites to future meetings. Successful groups are listed on the Brechin YBYC Facebook page.

We also generated a lot of interest about our Open Invite to discuss the possibility of setting up an Older Persons Hub in Brechin. This will take place, in conjunction with Angus Council, at the Cathedral Hall on Tuesday 14th November at 10.30am. If you’re in the area and are interested in this project, we’d love for you to come along and hear your views!

We are keen to move ahead with developing a programme of Older People Taster Sessions over the winter months nonetheless and will work on providing a reduced a programme of arts, crafts and physical activities. Watch this space…