Easter Bonnets and songs was the recent theme for the Brechin Community Singing Group.
The group held an Easter Egg raffle while enjoying yummy Easter cakes donated by the members followed by a competition for the best Easter Bonnet and a good sing song as usual.
Not only does the group sing uplifting songs and enjoy fun and friendship but they also learn the meaning of songs or terms such as ‘lorelei’ contained in the song “Beautiful Dreamer” a German Folk Song. The Lorelei rock is associated with the legend of a beautiful maiden who threw herself into the River Rhine in despair over a faithless lover and who was then transformed into a mermaid who lured fishermen to their death.
This did not put a dampener on the Easter festivities however and the group are meeting up from Thursday 25th April at 1pm, following a short Easter break.
New members to the group are always very welcome. If you would like to find out more or join, please contact Shona Laidlaw, Rural Wisdom Development Worker on: 07855 210113 or shona@otbds.org for more details.
For more information on the Rural Wisdom project, please visit: http://ruralwisdom.org/