A year ago Outside the Box helped organise a very sociable barbecue in the garden of Linkim Court, a sheltered housing centre in Eyemouth. We spoke to residents and they gave ideas for activities they would like to be involved with.
Many said weekends especially can be very quiet for them, if they don’t have visitors. Since then a willing band of volunteers have organised a variety of sessions including desert island discs, old photos, ‘bring a treasure’, crafts and a Christmas social. Outside the Box went back to Linkim Court last Saturday, to see how everyone was doing.
Residents enjoyed a delicious ‘bring and share’ lunch; they agreed it was better and less hassle than the barbecue. Everyone was able to help themselves to the food they fancied, some mixed sweet and savoury (why not?!) and we rounded it off with a birthday cake (and song) for someone who was 84(?) years young!
The residents were happy to chat about what they had been up to, recently (a visit to the Edinburgh Tattoo) and long ago (fighting in the 2nd World War!). We asked about the activity sessions, one man said ‘They help me to exist. There was a real buzz last night when my wife was preparing food for today, we were both looking forward to it.’
What are the secret ingredients which make these sessions work? Find a time of day that suits everyone. Work out what day of the week is best. Have (at least) one person who is overall responsible for coordination and planning. Linkim Court used a sign-up sheet for people to say what they would bring, and put up posters in the town so it was open to the wider community. Some of the volunteers need support – they get a lot out of it but need someone who understands them, too. Be flexible, let people come and go, don’t make it too rigid or structured. A wee bit of funding can help, but if you have a space and everyone contributes food, you can take turns or find volunteers in the community who want to share their skills.
It was lovely to see some old – and new – faces, to hear the banter and see folk enjoying themselves with food and friends.