Community Solutions: Finding the Right Support, Showing the Impact

Community Solutions partnership work

Community Solutions is a series of projects working towards increasing the learning and options around community solutions to social care in Scotland. Together they support people in communities and public sector teams, to develop social care services and community supports that work well for people in local communities across Scotland.

Outside the Box has been working in partnership with the innovation hub at Healthcare Improvement Scotland, SENScot, People Powered Results at Nesta and other organisations, as well as lots of community groups and social enterprises.

Shared learning: New Community Solutions reports

These new reports share learning around what helps people get support from community services and other local activities, and the benefits for people and their communities.

Read the new report here: Community Solutions – Showing the Impact

Read the new report here: Community Solutions – Finding the Right Support

Community Solutions learning and events

Community Solutions is part of the recovery from Covid and feeds into plans to improve our social care system, to enable more people to get the support they want. You can find out more about the Community Solutions project and its other publications here.

There will be several more Community Solutions events you can get involved in – details coming soon. We would love to hear what you think about the reports, and how they connect to your communities.

Storytelling workshops 

The Community Solutions work has used a range of different approaches to help communities share their experiences.

In February and March we held a series of workshops with Mindwaves and the Village Storytelling Centre, including podcasting, animation, zine making and storytelling. Staff and volunteers from organisations across Scotland came together to share their experiences of how COVID 19 had impacted their work and to learn how storytelling could help them work through this.

Participants said they had learned a range of things from the workshops including a set of techniques to tell and share stories, that could be used in a variety of different circumstances depending on the stories and the audience and the impact they wanted.

One participant said “I have learned loads of new ways of sharing information and stories. Its going to make a real difference to how we do things and also how we share.”

The two reports share how it worked, and how you can use different storytelling and impact tools to explore support in your community.